divendres, 4 de febrer del 2011

Fonts de finançament (III) col·laboracions amb Nova Zelanda

Fons Internacional de Mobilitat per a Espanya

Proporciona fons per a investigadors neozelandesos per viatjar a Espanya o per als investigadors espanyols per viatjar a Nova Zelanda per treballar en projectes conjunts de recerca.

El programa bilateral va ser establert el 1994 i és una part del Fons de Relacions Internacionals (IRF) del Ministeri de Recerca, Ciència i Tecnologia. IRF està dissenyada per donar suport internacional en ciència i tecnologia d'enllaç entre Nova Zelanda i el món.

Finançament dins del programa de la FIG ha estat assignada específicament per als investigadors de Nova Zelanda a col.laborar amb els investigadors espanyols per viatjar a Espanya o d'acollir a investigadors espanyols a Nova Zelanda per treballar en projectes conjunts de recerca.

Les sol.licituds es poden fer al febrer de 2011.

Charles Fleming Funds per a participants en trobades provinents de Nova Zelanda

Up to $6,000 (total fund) is available annually and is likely to be split between a number of applicants to provide partial funding support to scientists or technologists to travel and attend scientific congresses, assemblies, or committees for the furtherance of science or technology

Applications for the Charles Fleming Fund – Travel Award should be made on the Application Form.

The Travel Fund will be decided by the President of the Society Council and the Chair of the Academy Executive Committee or their delegates, supported by the Chief Executive.

The fund will give preference to those who do not normally have access to travel funds through their place of employment and who will be actively involved in the activity. Examples include expenses for:

  • presenting a paper or a poster
  • participating in a summer school or workshop
  • representing New Zealand at an international committee meeting.

The closing date for applications is 31 March 2011, and funding will be provided each year as long as it is available. The event you are applying for must end after the closing date for applications.


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